Sunday, January 09, 2005

189. Backpack

And Alex gave William a wonderful coat. He has 3 now. One that is a snow suit and fits, and 2 larger ones for the future. So generous.

Saw some pictures of Morris' precious one on Snapfish. What a cuttie! I put one in a frame for display. I need to upload some photos and order some (and send some to people).

I finally got a hair cut last night, my hair was the longest it's been in a while. I just cut my nails. Personal hygiene has never been my strong suit, but it's getting more and more challenging.

Can't believe how much William has been sleeping. I wonder if the combination of no naps and more hearty food has him sleeping longer. Maybe it is the white noise of the cold humidifier.

William went to Chucky Cheese for Robyn's birthday party. I took advantage of the situation to have some private time. They they went out to dinner late. I had a lot of time, but I got into a foul mood with negative thoughts about work.

William slept through the night again. He woke at 7, and I fed him, and then woke up at 9. I put him in the backpack and he's been on my back while I do dishes and write now.

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