Sunday, January 23, 2005

198. Blizzard

We are housebound with all the snow outside. Diana, William and I. William has all the energy in the world. Diana and I are two fading adults who have less energy, even though we take care of him in relays. He walks around, using things to hold him up, including his parents. He likes to go to the fridge and get a magnet and put it in his mouth. He likes to go to his walker, which he does not get in, but uses to help him walk. He plays a little with the things on it. Spins the mirrors, crinkles the crinkle thing. He walks to the TV. I turn it off when he's there. I'm not sure if it's really bad for you or not, but I get nervous. I turn it off. Diana gets him, and moves him away. Anything you try to get him away from, that increases his interest in it. In the bathroom he plays with his bath toys and drops them into the tub, where I can get them for him when he cries. He tries to open up the cabinet under the sink, and I think, “got to child proof this place.” He goes into his room, and I put him in the crib some, where he can easily hold himself up, but he is not stimulated enough for his desires. I hold him at the window and encourage him to look out. Sometimes I read books, we enjoy Todd Parr. Sometimes we read the small books, the touch and feel book, some of the books he got as presents. The Circus McGurkus from his Grandparents in California. A book about a spider who spins a web, that his Grandparents in Chicago sent him. He has some patience for reading, but he ultimately wants to manipulate things, move his hands, be in control.

He wakes up and his diaper is always full. He cries when the diaper is changed. He sips some formula. He likes the way Diana feeds him, he eats less for me. She also can use her breasts. I try hard, and can be very tender, sweet with him. This morning we gave him some of the bread Diana was eating and some of the oatmeal I was eating. He wants what we have. He had to try my green tea. I don't give him much, because I am unsure if it is bad for him or not. In his persistence I find it hard to refuse, but I know there will come times when I do refuse. Take a stand. This does not fell important in of itself. He was cold this morning, so I put some sweats and a fleece. When Diana woke up, she took the pajamas off. She rescued him, I was about to take him outside. I was trying to find some shoes to cover his feet.

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