Saturday, January 22, 2005

197. Sweet Cheeks

Odds and ends: William took his first step at 9 months and 3 days. William was dancing to the rhythem of the printer Tuesday morning. Wednesday morning I ran over the stroller (no he wasn't in it) and destroyed it. I missed William Wednesday night because I went into the city. I look forward to seeing him tonight. Diana reports that William plays peek-a-boo now.

Friday night Diana came home and took a nap. I watched William until she woke up, and then I went to sleep. I woke up early with him, and watched him till she woke up, and then I went to my mitra meeting. Then when I got home, I watched him for a while, and then finally we began to share, as we both watched him. I took a bath with him. Sweet boy. Abuela came over and brought some diapers and formula, and played with William a little.

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