Sunday, May 30, 2004

13. Bath time is video time

Diana fed William, and he wiggled on the couch for a little while. He reminds me of his namesake when he moves his arms sometimes. He pushes off with his feet. He likes Virginia's red couch, but he seemed to be making eye contact with me, while I watched the Mets blow up. His hair is so funny, a point in front, standing up, and swooshed towards his face from the sides. I push it behind his ears.

Then he filled up his diaper. Are you through yet? We don't want to change the diaper too soon, but we don't want him to stew in his own juices too long. Diana changed him, and decided it was bath time.

So we went to the bathroom sink. His eczema seems to be clearing up some. Diana got some more video tapes, so I video taped some of the bath, when she didn't need my help. There's a big mirror. We washed him, and then put him in his bath towel, and washed his hair. He was crying when we were drying him off, and putting some clothes onto him. We put on Cetaphil for his skin. His cries escalated. So she fed him, and now he's asleep.

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