Saturday, May 29, 2004

11. Web Sites, plus Missing Him

Just a reminder, here are William's web sites:

Last night I got to NJ where we're staying for the weekend, and William was just so cute. He is also vocalizing more (at 6 weeks, 2 days), more than just crying, grunting and his sleeping cooing, which I love. He's wiggling a lot. Not too soon now he will be rolling over, and the race is on.

When I went to bed, Diana said she didn't mind staying up with him till he went to sleep. "Just wait," she said, "till I go back to work, then you won't be getting any sleep." When Diana thought he was down, she put him into Virginia's room. Virginia gives Diana and I, most Diana, a break by taking him for a night, letting Diana sleep till she wakes up (a real luxury). Virginia is very sweet and giving.

This morning he was asleep when I got up, and I went to my Buddhist study group. Now they're in Penn., visiting relatives. I like relatives, but I feel stuck when it's such a long journey, and I like to be able to go home when I want to. So I'm not seeing much of Sparky today. I miss him. I feel's hard to express. I can handle it though, unlike poor Diana who is loathing going back to work on Tuesday. In part I think that helps to fuel her marathon run at taking care of him. She wants to soak up every second with him.

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