Monday, November 26, 2007

unexpected day with me boys

Paquita got stuck in PA because a car broke down. So I was with the boys an extra day. When I came home last night, they were saying they were doing homework, and said, "wicked". That's Natasia's influence. She was in the room writing an essay. She kept coming out, and Aida read it to her, and tried to make it sound better. They foreclose my attempts to use my own method to expand her though. I suppose I'm sensitive when my attempts to open things up are closed down--I get it all the time as a therapist, and in my personal life. I just want to open things up to explore and play with them.

Andrew liked going to school with William. He loved reading for a while, back at home, but then his attention wanders. I can't tell if Andres is more assertive about when a story isn't connecting with him, or if he has less concentration than William.

Last night we had a visitor, a dinner guest, with table cloth, wine and candles. The boys were of course very hyper, and difficult, but I was glad they came over anyway, so we can begin to work on civilizing the boys. They're pretty wild, and making them well mannered boys is a goal of ours.

Diana put the boys to sleep. I traded Sunday for Tuesday, so I'm going to be putting the boys to sleep 3 nights in a row, which I and the boys dread. Last night I read a book to the boys and William said, "Mommy's turn," and gave me a dismissive kiss, to say, "get out." I'm not as nice putting them to bed, so they prefer her.

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