Thursday, November 01, 2007

Haven't been writing as much.

I haven't been writing as much, because a picture tells a thousand words. I have so many thoughts about my boys.

William is sometimes getting stuck in communication issues, that are frustrating because he's being given what he wants, or it's not possible to get what he wants. He was upset this morning because he couldn't go to school. It's a paperwork day. I love it that he likes school so much. He likes his teacher, he likes his peers. He occasionally reports hitting or getting in trouble. He loves putting on that backpack and taking the walk with me. He says, "do you want to see the new fish?" They have a fish tank. Eight gold fish and a black one that we have to look for. He also likes to have me lift him up to see in the windows of his class and other classes. He goes straight to Miss Sherry to say hello, touches base with some peers, and then we have to wrangle him into being as independent as he can be taking off his jacket, putting his lunch away, and putting his coat on the hanger.

He loved being Thomas The Tank Engine for Halloween. Pictures soon to follow.

Andres is a papa's boy. He waited for me to come home to feed him last night. He is very clingy and when we're with family he's often looking for me, and people comment on that. He gives real hugs instead of William's mostly standing there near you and you hug him. He's speaking more and more, though at the moment I can't think of what he's said. Andres didn't want to wear the James constume we got for him so Diana wore it.

Thank you to Bridget and Zane for the Halloween favors you sent. We gathered with Aida's friend, her children and children of her relatives, and Virgina, Aida and Natasia. The hordes as I call it. They trashed our apartment playing with things.

Anyway, I love those boys. Lots of pressures and demands on me with work, school, etc., so I don't write so much, but there's lots to write about.

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