Saturday, December 30, 2006

449. Feeding Andrew

After watching Finding Nemo Wednesday, the boys played. We took them to the doctor. William got an antibiotic for his cough. Andrew got some shots, and some blood drawn. He's not gained much weight or height since September, though he still falls within the normal ranges. We thought he would have gotten some height. He is more skinny than William, so it's deceptive. The doctor thinks it's because he's drinking his soy milk all day and night, and that is suppressing his appetite. So we're to limit that, and come back in a month. And to get him off the bottle.

Mia came over Thursday night, and she's a wild child. When her mother isn't here, she likes to run rampant. William and Mia push Andrew away, which is not so nice, but she did have some nice interactions with him later. William wanted Mia to watch Cars with him, and she watched it some, but not completely. She was happy when she got home, because her father was home. Usually she doesn't see her father during the week nights, he gets home so late, she goes to bed so early to be ready for preschool. Anyway, I'm thinking maybe it should be a weekly play date. Got to work it out. I think with her being potty trained, her language, and all that, she's a positive example for William. And they seem to like each other. They can fight like cats and dogs, but they hate it when the other leaves.

When I came home Friday night, from a visit to Cliff and Vava, their last night in an apartment 2 blocks from us, Andrew flew at me, flung himself at me. I'd forgotten that feeling of coming home, not working since the 19th.

We've been trying to focus on getting Andrew more food, cutting down on his soy milk which might inhibit his appetite, as the last doctor's visit sinks in. He was 23 lbs. 4.5 oz and was 31 and 3/4 inches at his last doctor's appointment. He's gained some weight and still falls within the normal bounds, but I think we can do better at feeding him. We're working towards more regular meals for the family, whole family meals. It's hard with our hectic schedules, but it's hopefully our primary focus for the beginning of 2007. I feel like a horrible parent, but I know I'm doing my best, and sleep addled stupidity is one factor in not optimizing my parenting. After food, sleep is another big issue.

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