Sunday, December 10, 2006

442. Charlotte's Web

The boys slept till 8 on Saturday, giving me some time to blog! Quickly we decided to take William to see Charlotte's Web, a free screening. Diana had to go study. Abuela and Abuelo took Andrew. I drove to the Bliss station on the 7 line, and met up with Natasia, Robyn and Aida. We took the subway in, and rushed and ran to the theater on 42nd Street. I liked the movie, and it's vegetarian themes. When we came out they had a table of vegetarian information, pamphlets and small cookbooks. William did pretty well. He got a little restless at times, wandered between the seats a little bit, but for the most part was pretty good in a movie. He sits so close to the TV, we're constantly telling him to back up, I think he liked it that we had to sit very close to the screen because we got there late.

We went out, walked down 42nd Street to get some diapers because I'd rushed out without them. William saw some cars, and I bought him one. He picked out the hybrid car Prius, which I thought was cool. Then we went to the Gap for the bathroom. Aida thought she knew where the bathroom was, but turns out I was right because I'd worked there as a job site many years ago, when I worked in a special education school. They'd remodeled, it's quite nice. Diana wanted a hat and glove for William so we found that. William fell asleep, so instead of going around the city as I'd hoped, I lugged the sack of potatoes home. He woke up when we got inside, yeesh. Immediately he went looking for Andrew/Andres.

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