Tuesday, December 26, 2006

447. Holidays

Thank you to everyone who sent presents. I think this was my worst year for giving out presents to others; I did the least, something got returned as undeliverable, and I've still got to send out presents to family.

The first present we opened mesmerized William and he didn't really want to open any others. We opened a few for them, but they were not really into it. AJ provided the most emotion. We were at Virginia and Tim's big house in Mahwah, near Franklyn Lakes.

William and Andrew enjoyed the large collection of family, wide open spaces, and abundant children. I enjoyed the people around, until I'm overwhelmed, and then I go to bed. When it was appropriate I removed myself to the bedroom. I've gotten my allergies back, and I took a benadryl and slept through much. Diana says I huff and puff at noise, but I don't remember that. William has been getting up early (usually it's Andrew) and he woke up early the next morning. There were more gifts to unwrap, and he unwrapped some. I think this was a rolling Christmas. I'll try to make it more punctuated next year. At least we got a tree, even if we didn't find the ornaments and decorate it.

Diana has a training the T 26 - F 29th, so I'm with the boys till 2 today. Aida is coming to let Diana and I go to dinner and a movie. I've seen 2 adult movies in the movie theaters and one with William, since he's been born, 31.5 months ago.

I read a biography of Babe Ruth, then a history of baseball by George Vescey. Now I'm reading the Cramer bio of Joe DiMaggio. I find that baseball biography is something I can easily pick up and put down, while watching the boys. I'll read a biography of Clamente next.

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