Friday, December 15, 2006

444. William turned 32 months

William found Josephine's presents, and opened up Andrew's. Opse. She gave him a nice book and a toy train.

Andrew's gum situation went away. We thought he had a fall, but when the doctor looked up his gum, it looked maybe like a canker or something. It's gone away. In my anxiety, I convinced myself that he had cancer. The boys are fine. William caugh is just a cold. We're going to give Andrew some prune juice before we try the constipation medication. Good to have on hand though if we need it, we should get it filled. The doctor thinks his flatulance is from the constipation. As I meditated next to him this morning he was really letting it rip.

Diana is effectively done with her all out blitz to finish papers. It's been a difficult but rewarding few weeks with the boys.

Last night William got mightily upset about our being out of chicken nuggets. We had chicken vegetables and rice cooked by Abuela though, and after a monster tantrum, some time out, he ate it. He ate brocholi and I say, "you're going to grow up to be a strong boy."

There was an interesting article in the Times about sleeping and children. I don't think we have the fortitude to Ferberize them, and Diana definitely is against that, and any parenting, I've realized, must be in harmony.

Paquita, our baby sitter, and aunt through marriage (and through marriage twice for me) is very kind. She cleans and does the dishes, which is beyond the call of what we ask of her. She stayed later though this paper crisis of Diana, waiting till I came home, and going late to her English classes. She was very kind about me coming home late yesterday, because I went to the DMV and unsuccessfully registered my new car. Apparently you can give someone a car for title purposes, but for tax purposes, you need an original signature, not a fax. I made it a point to try and remain polite with equanimity, as I saw many tantrum and depressingly resigned around me.

One hour swimming classes on Sunday, we'll both be in the water. Virginia moves Saturday. I'm off from Tuesday afternoon, when I'm going to go to the DMV again. Then I won't work until 2007. William turned 32 months yesterday.

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