Sunday, December 03, 2006

440. Under The Table

William is doing imaginative play--he took our Chinese restaurant calendar and said, "map" and I said, "where's the treasure?" and he pointed to a place on the map. He calls Andrew "Cita," short for "Andrewcita", meaning little Andrew.

William woke up Saturday and said, "where's James?!" meaning his cast metal train from Thomas The Tank Engine. Of course we find every other one but that one. Salty? Percy Ice, Ghost Percy, Thomas, Mavis, Iron 'Arry, Iron Burt, Jack, Alfie, Fergus.

Andrew won't say "mama". He says "Aida" or something like that, and "Dada", but the closest he come is "anea" which I think is a derivation of "Mommy". William said "band aid," which he always wants for his soreness. It almost replaces the ubiquitous request for milk. He dislikes an partially full milk cup, but he rarely drinks the whole thing, and you can drain the milk supply quickly if you accede to his demands. Andrew said a close version to, "band aid," and he's getting closer and closer to speaking. He's 14 months, and William is 29 months.

William woke up today saying he wanted grandma. It was early, so I didn't wake up my mother, but later when he had the bunny (Rich's) she gave him I put him on the phone with her. He tried to talk. He's trying really hard to talk, but it's not quite flowing out of him. My mother said that she loves him.

Rich told me he thinks the boys are very polite and kind, and that we're doing a great job, which really made me feel good.

Abuela took Andrew to church so I could take William to swimming class while Diana worked on her paper today. William got into a weepy mood, didn't want to go to the park, and didn't want to go swimming. We had a nice afternoon together, but he got upset when I wouldn't give him a popsicle, and feel asleep under the table. Diana put him in bed when she came home.

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