Saturday, March 04, 2006

367. Veng

I'm sorry not to write more. Things get very busy at times, and I can't write as much as I would like to. I appreciate all the readers who are interested in our family.

William says "cool", "shoes" "bath". He does the sign language for "more" putting his two hands together.

Everyone was glad to see me when I got home from two days away on retreat. William of course does a million new things, and Andrew wiggles more vigorously. It was very hard to leave them, but this is so important to me, and I am just so grateful that Diana allows me to go, and all the family support she gets that allows it.

William is climbing up the entertainment unit more. He's drinking from a cup. Eric is visiting, and he will visit next week too. He's from France, did a Ph.D. in Madison Wisconsin and now works in Germany. We went to see some jazz at Fat Cat.

William says "bear" and "open" and "veng" meaning come. William puts his two hands together for the more symbol of sign language. He kind of uses it for "I want this" instead of "more" which is what it means. Shani is working on getting more eye contact from William. They're thinking of doing a re-evaluation so William can get OT services, because that would help him progress with the speech. At the time I was elated to see William do well, but now I wouldn't mind more services.

William didn't take a nap Friday and slept 12 hours. I am glad Diana got to really sleep in.

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