Sunday, March 19, 2006

373. Shush Baby

William cried when his little pancake broke. Diana reports he cried when his animal cracker broke.

Andrew requires more attention, he's ability to move himself does not match his ability to keep himself safe or hurt himself. I leaned away for a second and he toppled over and hit his face on the edge of William's bed.

Yesterday they went to Evan's birthday. I took the opportunity to take a 6 hour nap. They fell asleep, but Diana had homework to do. She woke up early and I asked her if she wanted to breast feed Andrew, to relieve the pressure of the night's buildup. She had to do homework, she says it didn't hurt. I think she's producing less milk. William got 8 months, Andrew is almost 6 month, I suppose the taper to no more breast has begun. Diana reports that the other day he was not so insistent about breast milk.

Andrew woke up at 7. There was a while when they were both crying and insisting to be held, and yet William would not be held with Andrew in my arms. Andrew finally fell asleep, with William not helping. In Piggle, Winnicott's book on a child psychotherapy, the little girl called her younger sibling, "the shush baby". I sometimes shush William because of his brother.

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