Friday, March 10, 2006

370. Go

Eric says to Andrew, "where do you want to go?" He wants to go everywhere. Andrew took William's spider man cup that his glamma gave him. They fought over it.

Eric's visit, Di is visiting in a few weeks, and Rich is coming right after that.

Diana gave William some peanut-butter. He liked it. Eric said, "he better like it or his career as an American boy is ruined, they'll have to ship him over to France."

Diana likes to shop, but she doesn't like to shop with me so much (which is fine with me). But I went to a big store to get some cases of formula today for the first time. I got William a book on noses, because he's always grabbing Andrew's nose and saying, "nose!" Virginia taught him "hair" the other weekend. I got some other stuff, that store is cunningly conceived.

Our African American neighbors have a 5 week old baby girl, they were taking her out in stroller when I was coming in. The mother said on the way out about my boxes of formula, and the store, "that's my favorite store now."

Thursday evening William was upset when I went out to dinner with Eric. This is my experience now, I can't give enough time and energy to anyone, not at home, not at my job, not in the sangha. It's been nice to have Eric here, and reconnect. I like having friends for a long time, and his is interestingly episodic with his visits. I like his worldly experience.

William said, "go" to get me into his room to read last night. Diana says he says, "me go," meaning "follow me where I go." It's quite amazing the way he changes.

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