Thursday, December 01, 2005

349. Janet

Andrew weighs 15 lbs, is 24 inches long, and his head is 42 cm. A wacky mixture of measuring units, right? The doctor gave him 4 shots, and he had a fitful night with fever. William's flu shot booster was not in stock, so we have to take him back. We got our flu shot though, he had 2 adult doses.

William's throwing away garbage and diapers is not so specific and he's been throwing away other things. I don't mind the crayons, we can fish them out or just buy some new ones, but I hope he doesn't throw away something valuable and we don't notice. He doesn't yet have the concept of "trash" but he does like the approval we give him when he throws away a diaper.

Diana said Janet did well. We're probably going to pay her $250 a week to work from noon till 5:30. Harry is going to kick in some money because Emma is there often. Janet is Victor's wife, and she's from Columbia. She's learning English so she can return to her profession as a dentist. She's passed the exam, she just needs to take an oral exam in English. Maybe William will be going to preschool next year.

Diana is going over again today to help them transition for next week. I'm going to take the precious time to clean, read and nap. My back has ruined my plans to take William to museums all week. I need to take my car in too, some trouble starting and maybe I need shocks. My back only feels slightly better than it did Monday. Ugh. I hate it.

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