Sunday, December 04, 2005

352. Ceremony

We had a wonderful naming ceremony. Vajramati presided again. I haven't seen Linda in a while. Cliff came, but Vava was busy and came later. Trebor came with Jen. Sita brought Carol, who is in town hawking Windhorse books. Nice to meet her, and that she would join in. Seth came; I was too tired to go to his party unfortunately. Jamie came! Haven't seen him in ages. Alyssa held Andrew/Santikara the most. Harry, Victor, Janet, AJ, Venus, Natasia, Emma, Aida, Virginia, Abuela were also there. Twenty people! Nice healthy grub afterwards. Cliff and Vava stayed a while to hang out. I'm so touched that so many people made it out. Sita, Cliff, Harry, Victor and Abuela came to both ceremonies. And Vajramati too, he presided well over the happenings. He has much merit. Trebor took some video, you can see it at:

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