Wednesday, December 21, 2005

355. Transit Strike

NYC has a transit strike. The thing I noticed on my commute was there was an odd back up at Northern Blvd., where there usually is not one. But the strike really hit home, when I called Alyssa to see if she wanted to meet for diner before sangha night, and she said, "are you crazy, sangha night is canceled." Opse. Harry and Angie are working more with the stike, so Emma, Venus and AJ we sent to Abuela and Abuelo's house to be taken care of. That put a wringer into my night, it's very stressful for me to be listening to Emma crying on top of William and Andrew. Aida and Natasia didn't come over to visit, as promised this week, probably because of the strike, and we still have the inflatable bed out for them, from when they slept over Sunday night. But I did get to meditate, and then went over to Abuela's. I brought William home, and he got angry coming in. Diana says he wants to spend more time outdoors in the cold weather, but we also get into fights about how much to protect him from the cold. I don't want to put the plastic thing over his stroller. He shook my gloves off, preferring bare hands. He's fallen asleep around 10 pm both nights, which has been wonderful. So while Diana and I were not really effected in our commute, the effects spilled over onto others, and that effected us.

I'm getting William 8 matchbox cars, and 5 books. I figure Andrew will get some benefit out of them, too. We got a package from Gretchen today. We got something from Di and Wes in New Mexico. Grandma and Grandpa Parks sent some presents. We're waiting to open thing up Christmas Eve. It's all very exciting.

I'm just starting to read Raising A Sensory Smart Child by Biel and Peske. which they recommended for us to read for William.

Andrew seems to be growing and growing. He's huge, so adorable. William seems to be losing the toddler baby looks, he's more of a little boy now. William is so sweet and wonderful. I love them both very much.

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