Sunday, August 29, 2004

83. Sleepy Boy

William has slept a lot today. He got his usual 7 hours (8.5 the night before), and then napped before we went to NJ. Then he napped on V when he got here. She was glad to see him. She thinks he's big, but skinnier, after not seeing him for a few weeks. We had a bunch of people here, Aida's friend came with her 3 children. We went to the pool, and I had fun playing with the kids, but I'm tired and sore now. William's doctor suggested we keep him out of the pool, so V took him into the AC club house. He laid a big poop, and then took a nap. V put him face down, and I rolled him all the way back home in the carriage that way, and he didn't wake up. He had a tiring day yesterday with the BBQ and being at Abuela's place. D tried to see a movie (which ended being sold out) and Aida stayed with me. William pitched his grade A mongo fit, and cried for 30 minutes. The fit that made me call her home, the fit that made my father cry when he was holding him through a short 7 minute one. He went on for 30 minutes, pausing to gather his energies to keep going. I did a shift on it, and D came home a little after he fell asleep. So he was tired. To my knowledge he only pitches those fits when he's really tired. He won't eat, he's got a clean diaper. Not sure really though what the trigger is. His mother can stop them, for the most part. Not sure how, maybe by just being his mother. So maybe the fit helped him to sleep today. He had to figure something out by repairing his brain with sleep. Who knows.

The BBQ last night was nice because there was William, Emma and Nicole. Emma is roughly the same age (born before, but with a later due date). Nicole is much younger, a wee lass, though getting bigger. She looks like her father Zsolt. She had on the little hair ribbon, to mark her as female. D confessed she hates it when I keep bringing up the people who think he's a girl and that he might need a hair cut. I like his hair, but I'd like to trim it a little bit.

Emma seems to have gotten her front curly hair going, but not so much in back. She holds her arms up and has a large butt. She's not crying like she used to, which is a bit of a relief. It's nice to have so many babies around. Paquita loves to hold William and I love when people dote on William.

Alex got him some more teethers, which is nice. We keep ruining them by trying to sterilize them, and them bursting in the microwave or the sterilizer. They had a picnic and took William on his first carousel ride. I sent a picture to relatives and will upload it to the snapfish, which I've gotten into backing up my photos.

William is wiggling more, moving his heels and shifting himself. He twists to his side, but does not seem to really want to turn over. I think he'll be more motivated to turn over from his stomach. He's reaching for everything and takes a lively interest in all around him. He still vocalizes occasionally, but not like he did that one streak where he did.

I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can always write it in the next one.

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