Tuesday, August 03, 2004

71. Seven Years

Diana and I have been married 7 years today, and I'm thinking William is the best present we could get. I have such over flowing love for him, and I really don't know what to do with it at times. I kiss him a lot, but he's obviously not interested in being showered with kisses, and he sometimes pushes his head to get you off him. I love holding him, but he's getting to be around 20 pounds, and he's not so light, so I can't hold him forever and walk him, like he would like sometimes. I love paying attention to him, and making sure he's taken care of. He does not mind kisses on his legs and arms, when he's laying down, sometimes he can smile at them. I think making him smile is my greatest ability, yet it's not a consistent easy thing to do. I find him such a wonderful boy.

So 7 years have finally culminated in a son, after our first try at IUI (intrauterine insemination). We sometimes squawk at each other when we're tired, or somehow feel not understood by the other, under the pressure of taking care of a child. I'm sure Virginia would smirk at this, because she thinks I should do more, but I'm giving my son my all, and while it's the greatest joy in my life, it's also very very stressful to have a child. The worry, the anxiety, the omnipresence, the lack of sleep.

All I can say is to see Diana happy with William, to see Diana being such a good mother, is a very happy time. We went to Carolyn and Papo's wedding 2 days ago, and it was quite a lovely event. It was great to see such a celebration of marriage. It made me think about how lucky I am to have Diana as my wife. And while William is much bigger and separate from our marriage, it's impacted, informed and effected it, mostly for the better, and while the stress might make us squabble a little at times, that does not worry me, because we always make up and in general things are wonderful.

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