Thursday, August 26, 2004

81. Flight Home

William did not take kindly to the delay of a sick passanger. But I walked him in the isle and he charmed the stewardess, laughing with her. He slept through the whole flight. He was tired in the evening and fell asleep early and had a fitful sleep. He's sleeping now with Diana.

It's amazing how much he's changed since the visit. He's rolling to his side, arching his back and kicking with his feet. He reaches for everything in people's hands. I put him in the papasan, and he was trying to unbuckle it. He's reaching reaching reaching. Even in the crib he's reaching up and grabbing the mobile.

In Hayesville he was looking up at the sky, looking at trees. I went for a walk with him, and he turned his head to the sky a few times. Diana said he was looking all about our room, like he'd never been there before.

He had the loud anguished tired cry last night with Aida, but his mother quickly calmed him down. He also sometimes gets really upset when Diana tries to breast feed him. He's eating less. He woke at 7:30 and only drank an ounce of milk. Maybe Diana was up all night with him. I woke up at 6:30 and she was holding him. I offered to hold him, but she said she was all right.

It was a wonderful journey seeing everyone down south. He saw his Abuelo when he stopped by with some food, and he was reaching out to touch his face, looking at him. I like to think he was memorizing family faces while down south, he seemed to be doing so with his Abuelo.

He did not play much on his gym this morning. It seems too simple for him now. He's waking up...

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