Sunday, August 22, 2004

79. Braxton

I've just spent Tuesday to Sunday with Zane, Bridget, Grandpa and Grandma in Newnan Georgia. It was wonderful to be in the belly of the family and to meet Braxton, Whitney's son, within a few weeks the same age as William. Braxton was a sweet boy. David, Nancy and Benjamin were also present. Though they hate Braxton's father, Eric, I shook his hand. We celebrated my grandparent's 62nd anniversary. Yikes! Four generations together, quite amazing.

Braxton turns over, but William does not yet. I was joking around, about how I wanted William to turn over. One thing William did do for the first time was hold his bottle. He's pretty unsteady and hasn't reproduced it, but we got on tape some of it. Lots of video taping and camera work done. I can't wait to send Grandma some of the photos.

Zane was very attached to William, which was sweet. I called him the "napinator". He would walk him and he would sleep on him lots. He also insisted on carrying him when we were eating. Bridget gave him a nice little Eyore rattle. Grandma complained because she could not walk with him, and could only sit with him. He fused after a while. She was convinced he was against her, but he liked her. Grandpa (mine, William's Great Grandpa) was sweet too. It was great to be with the family.

Now we're in Hayesville visiting Grandma Bell, who's even worse off than the Parks, but still happy to see William Bell. She misses Grandpa. We went to dinner, which was not easy for her. She has someone staying with her 24 hours, which she seems to resent, but seems appropriate to me.

The drive took 2.5 hours, and William only fused a little at the beginning. He pulls out the worst level of his crying rather infrequently. Zane cried when William went on a horrible crying jag. He held him and he calmed down within 10 minutes.

So it's good to see everyone, and let everyone get to meet young William. Seems like I should write more, but I've got a head ache, I'm at a public computer, and it's bath time. William got some syrup in his hair from this morning's breakfast. I think we left a bottle on the table, too, oh well. I miss them already. I wanted to cry for a long time after leaving grandma and grandpa. It was hard to say goodbye.

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