Thursday, August 12, 2004

77. Will and Bart scared of poop?!

We went over to visit Will, Bart, and Di last night in the Bronx. Wes is in New Mexico. Di fixed a wonderful dinner. We watched some of the Mets game until the rain delay. I played ping pong with the boys. Will beat me twice, Bart 2-1 (I won one!). It was good to see those 17 year old boys, and my lovely kind aunt.

Will and Bart seemed reluctant to hold William. Then they were afraid of his poop and baby babba. Will walked in on Diana breast feeding and yelped. Somehow my camera lost the picture with Bart, but I got a good picture of Will and Will.

We picked V up from the airport after dinner. We thought about sleeping over, but Diana's breast were swollen and I told her not to bring the breast pump, and William was asleep. I went to bed around 2am last night. Now I'm procrastinating, not studying for my social worker exam. Better get to it.

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