Friday, August 06, 2004

74. Panic attack

We had a lovely day, we went hiking for the first time with William. We ended up at Virginia's and Diana went shopping with Aida and Virginia, for Natasia's 7th birthday party, which is tomorrow. William, out of the blue, started crying like I've never heard him cry before. I thought something was horribly wrong. His diaper was just changed, I burped him, offered him food, I held him close, I did everything in the book I could think of. I called Diana in a panic. She tried to calm me down, but I could not hear her over William's howling. I waited a while longer, and his crying did not abate. I took off all his close, to see if something was poking him. Nothing. I was really freaking out, I've never heard him cry this loud, or this long. I was considering taking him to the hospital. I called Diana again, and she came home. Of course, after 30 minutes of howling, his sweat soaked head, he started to wilt. He cried a little when Diana came home, but he fell asleep. Apparently he was just tired. I was so embarrassed. I panicked. I cried for a while. It was just too much for me. Diana wondered, what if she was working or unreachable. I don't know what I would have done. I'm very very sorry to Virginia and Aida for interrupting their shopping. He slept and ate, and was OK. I was surprised he was OK. He sat here, and everything was all right. Sometimes I wonder if I'm up for this, but I hope I can learn and adjust. When do you take him to the hospital? I think I would have hit a tree with him howling in the car. I worried that something was wrong with him. But he was just tired after an exciting day. Crying is sort of like nature's way of emptying the tank, so he can sleep, but I've never seen such howling. Diana says she's seen it before. She thought I was interrupting her activity, using scare tactics to get her home. I think if I'm having a panic attack, maybe she should come home too, but still, I'm sorry for causing the fuss. I'm glad I was wrong. Nothing was wrong.

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