Thursday, August 05, 2004

73. First cheese

William "cheesed" for the first time the other day. I had him laying on his stomach, on my legs, and he started gurgling, so I held him normal, and he cheesed on my shirt. Diana said, "his first cheese!"

He's also planting his feet, and arching his back rather effectively these days. It's his one mode of movement, though it's mostly a move of protest. His play on the "activity center" has changed, he's holding onto things, and his hands are more steady. He's not talking as much, but I think that's because he realizes he's not really talking, he seems to understand that somehow communication is going on.

Diana put on an outfit. I said, "who gave us that one?" She said it was one of Evans, and this will probably be the only time he can wear it, he's getting so big. My scale says he's only 18 pounds, but I think he's 20 pounds.

Rich writes, about a recent photo I sent, "adorable - anyone taking bets on how long his hair will get before it bends over?"

Today we get a visitor! Getchen Benz is visiting us. We pick her up at the airport in an hour. We're furiously cleaning the apartment for her.

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