Saturday, June 18, 2005

272. Diana's Courageous Effort

Friday night we celebrated KayLa's birthday by waiting forever (7:10-8:50) for a table at Cabana in Forest Hills. I got so tired and annoyed, I got into a bad mood, because of my expectations. William however had no expectations along these lines, and enjoyed walking around and charming the people who were sitting at tables outside. He charmed two Asian woman, some couples. Men can show their willingness to be a father on a date, by admiring William.

That half a block in Forest Hills is a little like Broadway in the Columbia area, with it's outside seating. William kept going into this children's clothing shop, that has insane prices. One hundred dollars for a little outfit, I don't think so. Even at 50% off it was too expensive. But William was drawn to it, and when I took him away and put him down, he walked straight back there.

Thanks to Aida for dinner. Thanks to KayLa for her efforts with William. I tease her a lot and can be kind of cruel to her at times, but I think she's a good teenager. I wish her well. Poor lamb has a complicated family to deal with, that doesn't really support her, outside of Aida.

So William enjoyed the meal, even though I felt stress out by his wrangling every where around the table. I struggled to change his diaper without taking his shoes and jeans off. Somehow we made it home, and I was done. That is where Diana's courageous effort kicks in. She puts in so much effort, she is always there, she has so much energy. It's really quite wonderful and amazing.

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