Saturday, June 04, 2005

267. Alexandra

I took William to the park. This week there were smaller kids, only one possibly over zealous mother, not any pathologically competitive and aggressive fathers.

He pointed out of the park, so I put him in the stroller, and we walked around. A guy was washing his car and we watched. He had a 15 month old girl with long eye lashes, named Kayla.

Diana has the flu. I'm coming down with it. William is doing better. It's Alex's birthday, and since Diana and I are under the weather, Alex wanted William. She called up. She took him to a street fair. She said he was a flirt on the subway, charming everyone, including her. He was throwing himself at everyone.

She said he drank half her lemonade, ate her corn, shish kebab, ate everything.

She gave him a bath when he came home, and now he's asleep.

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