Tuesday, November 29, 2005

347. OT

The OT evaluator came. She says he's fearless, when he jumped onto the ball. She says she's not going to recommend any OT services, he's normal to advanced in some areas. He stacked 7 blocks, he's only supposed to do 3 by now. She said he has good index finger use, his peripheral vision is great. He is willful, which is age appropriate. She says "no" doesn't mean anything until children are 21 months old (William is 19.5). Perfect grip of pen for his age. He's right handed! He has strong abdominal muscles. Good fine motor skills, organized. He relates well, with good eye contact. He fed the toy clown (he would not transfer play with the speech pathologist). He may be sensitive to noise. He dislikes the vacuums but not so much that he doesn't want to watch me shave. He could put the toys on a string and squares, triangles and circles in. He has a variety of sounds, and talks after he does something. She says, "he's telling you what he did." He doesn't like the swing, or bending his head back to get the shampoo out, but it's not significant, that would mean more if other things line up with that, but it doesn't. She thinks he's great. Maybe he could get some speech services to give him a boost, but from what she saw and her competence of OT, there was nothing wrong. Such a relief. Now we one more hearing test, and have the big formal evaluation.

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