Thursday, November 17, 2005

344. Spider bites or mites

Spider bites or mites, but not Chicken Pox for William. The doctor gave him antibiotics and benadryl. He went to bed at 9 and woke up at 7.

Coming back from retreat, not seeing them for essentially 3 days, Andrew seemed huge. William's hair is laying down. It only stands up in the back.

William has had a fever, and has been cranky, but he's over. He's slept with us a little. I went to bed with him Tuesday night at 8, and got blissful sleep. Wednesday night he was more prone to crying. Seems OK today, though.

William is the process of being evaluated for speech and language. I've hesitated to write about it, we're worried. He's doing OK, but he's not speaking so much. We haven't met with the people yet. I had a bad day where I imagined disaster scenarios. But I'm going to hope for the best now.

Saturday Kathy (Glamma) and Rich are coming in, for the christening of Andrew. Ray is going to be the godfather, and Aida is the godmother.

Diana says she can now distinguish between my, William and Andrew's farts.

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