Thursday, August 25, 2005

296. 9th Tooth

William went to the doctor yesterday. He's 28.5 pounds, 33 inches tall. He got 4 shots. He's got his 9th tooth, and 3 more are coming fast. He woke up with a cold, and had a hard night sleep.

Diana went to her doctor and Andrew is in position, head down, ready to come out, though it's a long ways off. Diana wants to be induced the 19th of September to try for a V-BAC birth (Vaginal birth after Caesarian).

With Aminta's help, I got the running stroller together (she watched William). I took him over to Paul's, and we walked to Cunningham Park. We walked and talked, then I ran a few laps. William got tired of it, and he was cold, I didn't have him properly dressed, so we cut it short. But it seemed good.

I'm going to miss William this weekend, I'm off for a retreat this weekend, I say goodbye tomorrow morning till Sunday.

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