Sunday, August 14, 2005

292. Downpour

It's thundering and pouring outside. Lightning struck very near Virginia's house here in New Jersey. We came out to New Jersey Saturday: Aida, Natasia, KayLa, Diana, William and me. There's space, and stairs. We had a hard time figuring out the AC. But William got in the kiddie pool, when Natasia was out there. He wants to be where ever she is. Virginia has landed safely on her return from Aruba. She says Aruba is a very family friendly island.

Andrew will be born at a different hospital than William. And this hospital allows video cameras of the birth, and I can be right there if it's a caesarian, instead of behind the screen. Diana's mother got jury duty just the Friday before the week Diana is planned to be induced. Diana said she wants me to take time off after her mother's vacation is done. Virginia is talking about taking time off. William is going to have more things to deal with. He was crying the other night because the camcorder ran out of batteries, and there was nothing I could do about it. He's having more and more fits, I've been calling him a "fuss pot". It's hard to know what he wants.

We had to keep him away from Natasia when she was doing her homework. He has to be very entertained to not be in the same room she is in.

Diana is heavy and tired. She wants Andrew out. He's doing all kinds of fetal gymnastics at times. He moves a lot.

I just took a nap with William. I'm trying much harder to shift the load today. Sometimes I get so exhausted, I'm of little use.

The winds change direction and the rains come down with a different slant. The drainage ditch could not contain the waters and it over flowed. I hope William is enjoying the show. Natasia is but he does not seem to understand yet.

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