Saturday, February 26, 2005

219. Socializing

William has a new found attitude to go along with his new found abilities. He likes to play with the TV nobs, turn the TV off and on. If you take him away from it, he can kick up a fuss. He's starting to get an attitude. He was swinging at Aida on Thursday. He pitches a fit if you stop him from turning on and off the TV. We were enjoying Spiderman 2, which Paul, his godfather, lent us, Thursday night, and he kept at the TV. Friday night at Bill's he disliked it when we wouldn't let him walk into the fire place, in their beautiful house.

Friday was a social day for William. He went into Manhattan and visited Virginia's office. Everyone thought he was adorable. One guy there has William's wild hair as his desktop. At the deli downstairs, where Virginia is known, they thought William was her own. She's the proud auntie of a large brood, for Natasia and Robyn were along too. They went back to Aida's for more time with the lovely ladies.

Then in the evening we took him to Bill and Suzanne's party in Port Washington. A hip party in a posh suburb, with delicious foods, interesting graphics on the TV, which was hooked up to the computer, and delightful music. Paul, the godfather was there. Another couple with a very tiny baby was there, and Diana got to compare notes with the mother. Others of Paul's group were there, and many interesting people I did not know. William charmed all as usual. He was very interested in the cat. I got pooped, and by 10 it was time to leave. An ending to William's highly social day. He seemed to enjoy it.

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