Friday, February 18, 2005

214. 17 Steps

Error: William's head can not be 47.5 inches from entry number 206. I've lost the slip of paper where I wrote it down, so I don't know what it really is.

William took 17 independent steps yesterday, I'm not going to count any more. He can turn a little. He's still unsteady, and does not like to walk without hands, but he's getting better and better.

Diana brought William home yesterday and they were both exhausted. William slept for over an hour, and Diana fell asleep. She slept till almost 10. William was getting tired, but her waking up and joining us, energized him. He likes it when both of us are around. I eventually laid in bed, and he kept coming in. He goes to the garbage can, he wants what I'm drinking, he manhandles my book. I turned off the light, and he came in and I said goodnight to him. We need to begin a goodnight ritual.

I swear he says "gock" a lot. I talk to him a lot, and mirror what he is saying a lot.

He likes to squeeze through narrow places. The foot stool and the couch, the CD rack and the love seat.

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