Tuesday, September 14, 2004

97. 5 Months

Today William is officially 5 months old. Our doctor said he can eat hard foods, but Diana wants to hear him say it again, I think.

Last night Diana cried because William didn't want to breast feed, then he took a bottle and fell asleep with me. I think she's feeling less connected with him working.

William went to bed at 8, and woke up at 8, with various feedings that he mostly slept through, one at 9, and one at 5. I woke up and he hit his rattles, while I read the paper some. Then we watched some Noggin and sports news, while he also played with one of his toys. I walked him a little, then put him in the carriage and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. When we got back, I read him the story of Three Little Javelinos, which is the three little pigs cast in the south west. It's in Spanish and English, I'm going to read the English and Diana is going to read the Spanish. My mother gave it to us.

He had a big poop in his diaper when I changed him. Through some combination of luck, I've not seen a poopy diaper in a while. I fed him a little more and then showed him all his rattles and whatnot on the bed. He started crying and I walked him till he fell asleep.

I just heard him gasp a little on the monitor, no wake up. You can really hear well with the monitors. Not like I couldn't hear him without it, but it's another layer of safety. He's sleeping now. Sleeping so much I would think he would not sleep much today, but he's been down for a little while, 20 minutes already, past the short nap length.

I continue to try and give my son safety, comfort and stimulation so that he can develop well. I think I'm a bit reluctant to try very very hard to find work, because I'm going to miss him. When I pass my license exam, though, I'll have little to hold me back at going all out for a job. I had a dream where the party was over. I can empathize with Diana missing William at work. I joked that she's not with him when she sleeps, but that's not an empathetic response. I know how hard it is to leave him. He's such a sweet boy.

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