Monday, June 18, 2007


Originally uploaded by sravacitta
For father's day we went to breakfast at a diner. The boys were pretty good, it's been a nightmare at times when we go out to eat, but they sat in their seats for the most part, and ate.

Then we went to Jones Beach. William was afraid of bugs, but there wen't any, and we had a grand time. The boys fell asleep on the drive home.

Daddy got to take a nap since it was father's day, but I woke up more tired. I went off to meet for study with my buddhist friends, and the boys went to grandma and grandpa's. Lots of family was there, and Diana reports the boys put on quite a show.

We bought 3 books for the boys on Saturday. We went to Sita's performance, and went to a book store. Aida and Natasia watched the boys, until Natasia went with her father. Thank you to Aida for watching the boys. And Natasia too.

Tonight Gretchen is coming to visit. She's stopping by on her drive back home to Maine.

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