Monday, June 19, 2006

401. Twelve Steps

Diana has two more weekends of class, so this father's day, was another tough solo day. I gave the boys a bath, fed them, took them to the park, and then I was pretty much done. I hold off playing a DVD for a as long as I can. Virginia came over, and then went out for lunch, and came back. I didn't feel like going out for a meal. Last meal we went out was with Rich and I spent the whole time chasing William or trying to comfort Andrew.

The following are words William said Sunday: no, eggs, juice, triange, off, up, down, help, chalk, tooth brush, tooth paste, bath, door, push, bug and opse, plus the letters A and J, the names Andrew, baby, Emma, AJ, Vava and a Spanish word, "mas".

William nodded off coming back from the park, but woke up when here. While I was trying to put him down, unsuccessfully, William insisted on milk for himself. His bottle had enough, but he likes to add some more milk for some reason.

Diana called me at work Monday. Andrew took 6 steps. I came home later, and I counted out 12 steps that he took. Amazing.

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