Monday, June 05, 2006

395. Andres/Andrew

Diana and I felt sick yesterday, so Abuela helped us out and took Andres home with her.

I call Andres "Andrew" because that's the closest English name to what I take to be a Spanish name. I've only heard of one Andres before, Andres Galaraga, a baseball player. Last night I heard of another one, a German architect who's first name was Andres.

I was giving William a diaper change on Sunday and he was upset about it, and bashed Andrew in the face a few times before I could stop him. A challenging moment for me, when I'm caring for them alone. I'm glad Diana has been taking these Sunday classes, it has given me a window into her experience of caring for them both alone. I took care of William until I went back to work, after Diana went back to work, and that was a mighty challenge. But I haven't done that with the both of them.

I think Diana's not working is one reason Andrew doesn't have an adverse reaction to Abuela. William said, "NO!" and made a pushing away gesture when Abuela came over last night. Andrew wants to be with her, he was crying because she didn't pick him up right away, she put some bags down first.

I took William to the park yesterday. He can climb the ladder without any help. He's going down the slide without help, though he's still reluctant to do the big one alone, that twists around. He likes to get dirty and I let him. He plays with puddles and in the water fountain. He likes to play with sticks and stones. He got very upset when I took him home. He was upset and dropped his stick and I was glad to get rid of it, and that enraged him even further. My back hurt the next day from giving him a shoulder ride, because all the strollers were in Abuelo's car.

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