Saturday, June 10, 2006

397. Walking

Andrew is on new formula. It's giving him some digestive troubles, but he's a trooper. He was walking last night while holding onto the hem of my shorts, not even with a hand.

Bart suggested he could edit the blog, which is an interesting idea, maybe put it into a book form. On the one hand, that kind of excites me. On the other, I'm afraid at the quality, I think a book needs more consideration than I put into these blog entries. But maybe.

In a vote of no confidence, when William comes to our bed in the morning to snuggle with us, and get some more sleep, he now goes around to Diana's side instead of waking me up.

William spent Thursday with his cousins at their home. Supposedly he didn't like the basement, maybe because it doesn't have a TV. When we were at Di's rented place on 39th Street, he saw a TV and said, "mo mo" I don't think he's saying "More Elmo" now, I think he's just chanting "Elmo Elmo". We're still waiting for more construction of language from him. Di said the boys were slow to talk too, I think it's family thing language delays, but we end up doing OK. Still we might add on an extra private day of speech therapy for William so he has 3 days instead of 2, with the generous offer from my mother. We have to talk to the speech therapist yet, see if she wants to.

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