Saturday, May 20, 2006

390. Weaned

Thursday May 18th was Andrews last breast feeding. He's on the bottle now. Just like William, he and Diana have gradually weaned him from breast milk.

William has been sleeping in his bed longer, not waking up and coming to our bed until the sun is up. Paul came over to watch the Mets beat the Yankees with me, and he went to bed around 8:30. Paul was amazed how Grunty would crawl over to something and hoist himself up.

William said "Emma" when I showed him a picture of her. She was over yesterday, and William wanted to play with her, but she was in a nap when Harry brought her. Aida and Natasia came over. Natasia is doing a running club once a week, and Aida says she's doing really well.

Correction: The Ten Minutes To Bedtime book was given to us by Zane and Bridget, I mistakenly attributed it to my Aunt Di.

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