Monday, July 25, 2005

285. Bristol PA

William slept with Virginia last night Friday night. Diana said all she wanted for her birthday was sleep. Strangely, I woke up at 6, and my mind was racing. So I got up to fix some coffee. William and Virginia were crashed out on the sofa in her living room. I turned off the TV in the other room. Diana got up too, to my surprise. So there was the strange circumstance of all 3 of us up and talking, and him sleeping.

Diana and V. took William to a picnic Saturday. I meditated and watched Monk episodes on Virginia's DVR. Then I got the news from my mother that Grandma Bell was dead. So I headed home, and booked a flight and called up my boss to ask off. I wanted to hug my son.

Diana and William are going to stay here while I fly to Atlanta today (Monday). I'm going to miss them, but I didn't think it was the best setting for William, and I think Diana should stay with William, though she got to know my grandmother Bell, and mourns her too.

Sunday we drove to Bristol PA. Diana's aunt Checho lives there, and she happens to have the same birthday as Diana. Diana's birthday wish was to be with her family, and they all drove out there, because Checho had the thyroid removal, or cancer removing surgery that Virginia and her mother have had. I wonder if Diana will need it at some point.

William's range is about 2 hours and the drive takes longer, so he started fussing around the PA border, before we crossed the Delaware. We gave Alba a ride.

Diana and I immediately found beds, with William's many aunts and relatives around to care for him. I took a longer nap than Diana. Abuela and Abuelo bought William (and Emma, et al) a pool, and William got to hang out in the pool. Emma was a little more weary. That reminds me, I'm going to have to send Harry and Angie photos of their children. They don't have a computer, so I can't mail them a link to snapfish.

Alex complained she didn't get the photos, and I've added Veronica to the list too. So if you want the link to snapfish photos, my albums, let me know if I've somehow forgotten you. I don't think either Alex and Veronica read this blog, so it's a bit of howling into the void, but so be it. Howling Into The Void was the name of my first web site.

So we had a BBQ. They cut the cake and there was the obligatory cake fight, which Natasia seems to enjoy.

William started to fuss before the bridge to Staten Island, and we sang him songs. He finally fell asleep in Brooklyn. He slept from 11 to 8, a good night sleep for him. Angie says Emma sleeps 8-8. I'm a little jealous.

I have the morning to spend with William before I head down south for my grandma's funeral. I can let Diana sleep late, and hopefully she will get and ask for support while I'm gone. Aida is coming over and she has her mother and father close by. I'll only be gone 2 nights, but I'll miss William.

Thanks to Zane for his previous response. I don't remember Mimi, but I know she was important to him.

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