Sunday, September 21, 2008

I want to be first

The many cartoons and TV shows for children are a huge abundance of wisdom. They seem to know what the children are going through. William was first infected with the idea that he wanted to be "first".

William got this from school, but he's been working through this for a year. Of course his brother has caught this, and he's maybe started on it earlier, and he's caught in it now at the moment. Andrew was crying when he came home yesterday from the movies. He wanted to be first, but he wasn't.

They saw Igor. Diana and Aida said the main theme wasn't one kids could get. They said 10 year old Natasia didn't get it. It was more for adults. The theme was that people aren't bad, that they've had trauma and that is what makes them bad.

So, I've seen on a show the theme, "you can't always be first," theme, and the new Thomas The Tank Engine has that issue at the beginning.

William is nice, when his brother screams because he wants to be first, usually William obliges his brother, but sometimes he doesn't and that is problematic for Andrew. I hope he's getting the "optimal frustration" Kohut speaks of.

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