Friday, September 05, 2008

3rd day

Andes still has trouble separating. Friday is pizza day, so we don't have to pack lunches. Rather, Diana doesn't have to, I can't lie about my packing lunches thus far this week, because I have focused on other things, like toileting.

I think being a single parent would be really hard, but one thing would be that the communication and collaboration wouldn't take up much time, there's just one vision. When it comes to getting to boys of to school smoothly, I have done it, before Andres came along, with just William. Two boys complicate things.

Diana had to run up to Union Turnpike to get Natasia this morning, because she threw up. We were supposed to not baby sit Ashton any more, Diana gave two weeks notice, but somehow we are. I think Diana's connection to her family is nice. Limit setting is a weakness of my own. Ashton is a sweet baby.

Anyway, I get easily overwhelmed by parenting, and was glad when I was walking out with the boys plus Ashton, that Diana came along with Natasia.

Andres was more weepy this morning, perhaps because she went out and didn't walk with us. He asked to be carried, which I did for little bits, but not as much as he wanted. He wanted to drop William off before he went in. Then he wanted me to stay. He couldn't take a picture, he wanted to cling. So we had to have a difficult goodbye with force to pry him off me, and keep him with the assistant teacher.

I tried to get them to bed last night so they would be well rested, missed the end of the Giants game (they won). Diana has been putting the boys to bed, but I put them to bed last night. Except after William fell asleep Andres asked for his mommy and she came in after Aida and Natasia left. I read to them, and sang to them. I know William has had enough sleep when he wakes up at 7am on his own. Andres slept till 7:40, and we try to leave for school at 8:15, getting there by 8:30. Diana ironed their clothes, picked them out. Because it's the first week of school, I'm letting William watch a dinosaur show before he goes.

You may have noticed I'm around for this. I'm between jobs, which is a blessing this week, though I hope to get a job soon. The boys like me being around, and I like being around them, even if sometimes I get overwhelmed and need some private time. Setting limits isn't always easy for me, and I go from being hyper responsible to abdicating responsibility easily. I have difficulty with this middle ground, being the powerful helper I aspire to.

There may be some increased blogging during this time.

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