Sunday, August 03, 2008

spider pig

The boys saw the Simpsons Movie and Andrew likes to be held up high and walk on the ceiling. They call walking on the ceiling "spider pig".

William said to Diana yesterday, "You're so normalize." That's derived from Spongebob Squarepants, who says, "that's so normal," sometimes.

We went to visit Erin Grace Kelly, the newborn daughter of Bill and Jessica, Diana's cousin. She has a step brother Joseph, from Jessica. Josephy was a baby when I met Diana. Jessica came from Ecuador to have Joseph in America. He's going to be 15 the 19th of August. Bill is Woodside Irish, thus the non-Hispanic name.

There was a lot of debate about the name. Grace Kelly would be a notorious name. So they put it in the middle.

Erin is a wee little lass, with dark hair and the newborn leg twist that is suggestive of being inside another human being, scrunched up.

Jessica seems to be doing well, though she's occasionally weepy as she readjusts her hormones back to not carrying a living being inside her, just hormones for one normal adult female.

Today is our 11th anniversary, and Grandpa Zane's birthday. Aida is going to watch the boys so we can spend some time together without others. When she wakes up. She's become addicted to Battlestar Gallactica, and stayed up late watching it, and slept over.

I feel so wanged out from the responsibilities, overwhelmed. I just got Diana a birthday present. I got Natasia finally a graduation present. Natasia's birthday is next week. Diana and I keep asking each other what we want to do. It's hard to come up with some high activity idea. It seems to be what people want from us. But I think we're just going to spend some quiet time at home. I really just want to talk with Diana uninterrupted. It's so hard to have a conversation with the kids and everyone around. I look forward to spending time with her.

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