Thursday, April 10, 2008


William has started T-Ball practice. Thank you to Aida and Diana for sending me videos and pictures of the first two practices, they are very thoughtful. He has a game Saturday that his grandparents will see if it's not rained out. The boys are very excited about the upcoming visit. I wish Diana would write some on the blog, she's got the stories about the first two practices.

William had a difficult morning. I've been making him eat his own food, instead of stuffing it in his mouth so we can get out the door and be on time.

Andrew was very cuddly this morning. He's so sweet and adorable. Diana says he's been difficult, insisting on playing where she's working on cleaning.

Wlliam has been using the word "disgusting" a lot lately, and not correctly. Perhaps he is conveying his disgust at not getting his way, but it's not the standard usage.

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