Saturday, September 30, 2006

426. One Year Doctor's Appointment

Andrew had his year doctor's appointment. He weighs 23.5 lbs. I couldn't find in the blog where William was weighed at 1. It should be April 2005, but I don't see it in a couple tries. Of course I can't really sit at the computer any more. The doctor gave him 3 shots. He says he's lactose intolerant or whatever, and we should switch him to soy milk from the formula, which will be considerably cheaper. I'm kind of glad he's not going to take bovine source milk. I myself like soy milk. The doctor said he's not going to have trouble with the shots, but he was a bit clingy the past few days.

It's been a stressful week. When I loose it a little and raise my voice in frustration, I just think, "they're internalizing the bad object." Yeesh. Grunty, Grunticus, Terradactyl is a bit of a babyzilla. He smashes plates of food, he grabs books out of our hands, he climbs over my body using his tough little toes to get painful toe holds.

William struggles with it, too. He tries to put his Thomas trains places where Grunty can't get, but Grunty is a plucky tough little thing, he can get everywhere. We often find him precariously in the window sill in his room, not the one with the soft couch to fall on.

Tuesday, Zane's last day, we spent a long time in the park. Mia was there, and Daniella, who began to get severe contractions. She called her mother, but later when I saw her, she was back from the hospital.

Paquita is doing a good job, or "Kita" as William calls her.

Thursday night, my night with the boys with Diana in class till late, I played the boys a lot of music. Grant Green, Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, some hip hop and some Alison Krauss.

Last weekend I saw some leaves changing color. Grunty's birthday was officially autumn.

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