Monday, October 09, 2006

427. No swimming

William went to the park with Mia on Saturday. Daniella has a nice apartment, I went up to get Mia. I was surprised that she hadn't given birth yet, she's been 4 cm dilated for the longest time. Now she's 5. They're not going to induce her until a week from Monday if she doesn't have the baby. I wanted to give her a break from Mia, and William likes her. Mia can be a little rough at times, but I think she's grand. They played at the park on the big swings for a while. The slides are fun, Mia likes to go down backwards on her back. They were throwing acorns down the slide. A fellow came along to join them, and they were yelling "NO!" to him. I made them include him and be nice to him. The little boy didn't speak, and his grandmother only spoke Russian to him. Mia kept saying "coconuts" and it took me a while to figure out she meant "acorns".

Then she had to go to the bathroom, so we went home. Daniella called me just as we got there, she wanted Mia back to go visit relatives. She promised to join up with us for a party that night. There was a kid's party for 4pm. Diana didn't go till after 7. Before that they went to Jamaica to go shopping, with Aida and Natasia. They came back briefly and then went out.

Paul came over and we watched the Mets. Around the 6th inning my eye lids were drooping, and Paul mercifully took my leave. He worries he's getting in the way by coming over. I worry guests won't like to visit because of my divided attention, and my inability to keep awake past 10.

Diana reports William really like the aquarium the little girl had. They also took him to Janet's 41st birthday party, but they fell asleep in the car, and ended up sleeping on the bed with all the other kids who were there past their bedtimes.

Sunday they slept past 9, and that meant with Saturday, I'd had a lot of free time to read this weekend. We went to swimming lessons, but it's closed this weekend and next--opse. So we went to Target. William got a replacement James, plus Iron 'Arry and Iron Bert, Thomas, Alfie, Mavis and Jack, plus with a DVD he got a ice Percy and the Winter Caboose. He's very happy with these additions, and tries to horde them from Andrew, who gives them back quite readily, but also throws them.

We lost William temporarily when I had Andrew and assumed Diana would take William. She assumed the same about me. He had a toy shopping cart, which he was pushing all over, and when we found him he was fine, he was just pushing the cart around. Diana was pretty upset we lost him. The idea that someone could kidnap him flashed through my mind, but you know, that's pretty rare, and once we found him I was more embarrassed that he'd gotten away, than worried. Andrew doesn't want anything, he didn't pick out any toys. I feel bad everything is for William but in Andrew's mind, I think everything is his, so we're all right for now.

We came home, and the boys fell asleep. I laid down and Diana went to a movie. I thought she was just going for a movie, but she was gone for a while. Turns out the movie she went for, she missed, and went other places. She's certainly entitled to time away from the boys, but I wish she'd communicate to help me with my expectations. I've got to focus on my communication and efforts. So the boys rampaged around the apartment till Diana got home, and then I went to bed. William tried to go to sleep with me, but gave up. Diana has today off, but I have to work. A nice weekend. I'm away next weekend on retreat. I'm going to miss the family.

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