Saturday, February 18, 2006

365. Andrew rolls over!

"Bye Ma" and "Mo Mo" (More Elmo) are William's two word sentences.

Virginia just came over. Venus, AJ and Emma slept over last night (surprise!).

Andrew rolled over from his back to his front on 2/15, and the next day he rolled over and got his arm free. I missed them both. The first time William insisted I read to him in the bedroom. The second time I went out to get juice for Emma who has a terrible cough. She's coughing now.

Aida and Natasia went to Bahamas.

Diana said it would be OK for me to join a gym. I want to get strong for these boys, to be vigorous as I age. I'm 38, and when the boys are18, I'll be 56. I hope to keep up with them for as long as possible. Diana also think it will help me to be less depressed. I have a fear of being overwhelmed, and I am often over-stimulated, and there's no retreat. I do feel some positive adjustment towards handling the load better. I hope to go 2-3 times a week, mostly to lift weights, though they have yoga and pilates, which I'm interested. I'll run or bike there, so I don't need their machines, though I might use them to warm up. I joined the cheapest gym, and there are broken machines, but it will do. I feel sort of torn about missing some time with the boys. It's pretty hard for me to work all day and come home and be totally there. Diana gets angry when I go to bed, and she's staying up.

Tuesday's 4 hours of being alone with the children is humbling. I don't know how Diana does it. Plus she got Emma, AJ and Venus yesterday. She's taking 2 classes, and now she's going to start intensive Sunday classes tomorrow.

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