Thursday, February 02, 2006

361. Andrew's Dr. Apt.

Andrew is 19 pounds, he grew 2 inches in length, and 3 in the circumference of his head. The doctor gave him 4 shots. His stuffed up nose is clearing up. Diana got some good exercise and walked to the doctor. We're going to have to change because of our changes in health plans. Diana got the records, so we can take him to a new one.

Andrew has been vocalizing a lot. This morning when he woke up at 5:30am, he was vocalizing. William wakes up around that time and cries till he gets a bottle and is held. I wake up and can't fall asleep, so I read.

William is doing all kinds of exciting things, like bringing me the phone when it's ringing. Diana took him to Queens College yesterday, his first visit to Queens College. Diana is taking two classes. I think she likes getting out, but last night William was difficult.

William said "ba," the other day, asking for a bath. He says "go," "door", "shoe" and Diana thinks he's getting close to saying, "please".

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