Tuesday, February 07, 2006

362. Boys day out

Saturday Diana and Aida went out for the evening and I had lovely Natasia to help me with the boys. She does well.

Sunday I took William to Cliff and Vava's. They got to meet their cats Carrot Tail and Pirate. William chased them around, and ate their cat food. Yikes! Cliff and Vava are very good people to visit with a toddler, they are tolerant and kind.

William and I took the super bowl at Ray and Diana's. Ray gave Andrew, his god son, some nice clothing for xmas. They threw a good party. Paul and Matt were there too. William played with the computer and fridge magnets, but spit out food, and put his fist into the dip. Yikes!

Spending so much time with me, Diana said William woke up and was looking for me, but alas it was Monday and I went to work.

Andrew is as cute as ever. William is growing up, doing more things. He gets the phone, throws out trash. I read to him. He plays with things. He's dancing more to the DVDs.

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