Saturday, June 07, 2008


William didn’t wear underwear to school this week. The teacher decided we should try it first, so I’m starting today—no pull up today, only underwear. He’s done OK, though there are accidents. He resists going every 30 minutes, but does have to go. One time he stopped it coming out, and then went. Another time he just let it come out and it’s on the couch and everything. We have to go out and get some underwear, we’re on our 3rd pair this morning.

Andrew likes white chocolate, William doesn’t, like Diana.

Tuesday I come home late. I was in the street in front of my co-op at 10pm. Cars honked outside my boys windows. I went to the car, the guy rolled down his window. I said, “My children are asleep upstairs. Horns are for danger, not impatience.” The older Jewish man said, “you’re right, you’re right,” and looked sheepish.

Diana is taking care of Ashton in the day while Victor and Carmen work. Apparently William tells everyone everything about the family. He was calling him Ashton Sebastian. Sebastian is Virginia and Tim’s baby, they get a little confused at times. Diana said, “we’d never name some Ashton Sebastian.”

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